Dreamers Zone

creativity, imagination, new experience, discovery and open doors - Poems and Poetry

sâmbătă, ianuarie 28, 2006


I wish this world were used to a new disease;
an incurable ill, a plague, a deadly virus;
when medicine struggles to sell drugs after drugs, to make us live, it would catch us all in,
it would spread like silence, it would reap thousands… do you know what that is?
One seed feeds the earth, one earth feeds the seed
One cell, one life, eternally spreading, pandemic…
All affected, all one…
Still all we do is beat up pain with artificial feelings, while this is never to be treated…

We fear.

I wish this world were used to a new disease,
an incurable ill, a plague, a deadly virus.
A total madness and a lucid state in which we’re all forever doomed to live.


vineri, ianuarie 27, 2006


You and me
standing at two different edges of the rocking chair,
balancing not to fall.
Your weight and my weight are equal,
each step
can make us lose.
So, we stand,
day and night, unable to make the step,
to get closer
or to get apart, tied by a strange law
of balance
between things.
You and me,
different as black and white, though, sometimes, being a light shadow,
unspoken, unread,
look each other in the eyes.
And see nothing, for it’s need that unites us
and we’re afraid to breathe,
because we are too high.
If we fall,
We’ll lie breathless, stretched on the ground,
hear people say
about how lovely our life must have been
and how tragic it
had to end.
But, in truth,
we just wanted to break down the laws
that kept holding us there,
not being close even a bit.
You and me,
standing at two different edges of the rocking chair,
are saved,
when, step by step, in synchronicity,
we reach each other,
ready to see
everything unseen.


If (to Farooque)

If days to come seem dark and cold –
They’re not! For you they’re not!
For you the sun will give its gold –
Just treasure what you’ve got!

If words just wouldn’t tell a thing
To anyone around,
Make words a hymn, and make it ring,
And make it proudly sound!

And may all smiles and laughing eyes
Be seen and shared by you!
And may your smile reach sunny highs
And make you breathe anew!


joi, ianuarie 26, 2006

Ancient Legend II

Once on a distant greenish shore
Adjusted to the bank
A man was seated; waiting for
The sun, that gently sank.

He asked the river passing by
About his life and tears and pain
He asked the earth, he asked the sky,
And asked the wind, and asked the rain
“Why should I live, why should I die
Which is my aim, o, perfect sea,
My mind is full, no truth, no lie
What shall I do, what shall l see?”
“No fear”, answered, clear and low,
The sea; “Your fate is meant to be
One of a hundred; you should know
That you’ll be changed; listen to me:
You’ll wave your hand and rocks will fall,
You’ll save a life – the world you’ll save,
You’ll never fail, you’ll never stall,
The sun will shine on all you gave.”
“O, fair sun, my knowledge’s poor,
Shall l confess my mind to you?
Tell me the way, oh, please, endure,
Shall l know these, all that l knew?”
”Without knowledge”, said the sun,
“You’re nothing, and your heart is lost;
With knowledge you know you’re the one
To save the things you love the most.
You shouldn’t be afraid; the night
Is gone the moment comes the day.
And if you save its morning light,
Then lightened be your further way.”
“O, wind, you’re blowing through the years,
My dolour’s this: l want to know
Shall l hear, passing by my ears,
All things that mankind made its vow?”
“If you don’t hear”, the wind replied,
“You’ll never know your inner thought,
You’re not alone, you have your guide
Through feelings, through the pain you’ve got.
Perfection comes with love for light,
For knowledge; you should have no fear
Tell people things that change their might
And love will never find a mere!”
Thus spoke the wind, the sun, the sea,
The man rose up and watched the dawn
He wasn’t even frightened; he
Was straight; and all his fears – gone.

And even when he feels the ground
And all his life is full of tears,
He knows: there’s only love around
And love he’ll carry through the years.


sâmbătă, ianuarie 21, 2006

The Heritage

Eyes closed we see the world
through open fields towards the dawn.
Step one…step two…gallop…
like a herd of wild stags running,
like a momentary dream.
Who’s behind and what’s in front? Who knows…who asks…
Rebel ghosts of time through each soul
and their footprints burn and never fade…
our dreams - our engine, our open eyes, our world,
the heritage –
are yawning, put to sleep by those
who say
that nothing brave


The Mirror

When there are times of hesitation, which resurrect the buried strain,
I ask myself if there’s salvation for goals we’re eager to attain.
If only people could be lighter! How many changes could have come…
But there’s no need to be a fighter to dream, to reach, to overcome.

No need to be a public hero to prove that changes can be done,
But when I look into the mirror, I see I’m not the only one;
There’s one more me, the me repeating the gestures an inverted way;
And I can see that we’re competing ourselves and giving time away.

What if we see same things we measure as standards with a different sight?
What if we care for every treasure and find once more the needed might?
The world’s fragile, but it’s still standing because of all what made it live –
Each heartfelt word has done the mending to build what we should once achieve!


marți, ianuarie 17, 2006

A letter for the going (to Natasha)

No road is easy, as you know
As long as you still walk;
You see that people come and go;
And wouldn’t even talk.
Some wouldn’t even take a look
To see if you’re still there;
They care not for the road you took
And their hearts are bare.
The greatest pain of all may be
Is suddenly to find
That those you loved begin to flee
Away, and you’ve been blind.
But, see, this blindness is no sin,
It’s just a kind of sight,
Because forgiving all, you win
And make your feelings bright.
Don’t care about a world of tears,
But think of one in bloom.
Let go all troubles and all fears,
Don’t let them make them room.
And get up early, every day,
With one thing on your mind:
“I’m thankful for my chosen way
And thankful I’m not blind! ”


Didst Thou Smell A Rose?

Didst thou smell a rose? Its light
Wilt make thee smile in the morn,
Wilt call thee beauty o’the night,
Where in the skies the stars art born.
My little fiere, bird o’sun,
Wilt sing for thee, one summer day.
Its song thou share with everyone,
An’ send on wings o’wind away.
Thine endless faithfulness an’ grace
Make thee the Sovran o’the glow,
That’s sent by sunshine o’er braes
For telling thee: “I dear thee so!”
Thine followers art streams o’air,
An’ prints o’wind, left on the sand.
Who knows, how much can take an’ share
The only movement o’thine hand?!


luni, ianuarie 16, 2006

Sentenced to life

He told me he was sentenced. Sentenced to life with no right to appeal
or right to follow his own way.
“You live!” – an order or a hope for someone else, who thinks that life
may be a blessing
to a bleeding soul. How wrong and strange that comes!
Away, in fields of gold and sun, over the heaven rainbows
he thinks he’ll find the needed peace.
But that’s a dream – now, there’s the moment and the day,
when life, as jail, and death, as judge, would meet
and play with souls and bones.
From now on, every day…

He told me he was sentenced. To life.
That perfect day
I saw my words come out, as kites in foamy skies, repeating:
“Make life your tool and build yourself the way out…”


Would you

Would you love if love were suddenly forbidden,
as crime against the reasonable mind?
Would you love, if all the needed hints were hidden
and truth were though impossible to find?
Would you share the last remaining shard of kindness
which meant to be your only saving sail?
Would you learn that the impediment’s your blindness,
and finally give up your masking veil?

Would you stop when angry mobs would call for killing
and face yourself, when hearing their cries?
Oh, would you love if love were nothing more than feeling,
still love, though knowing hatred never dies?


Rainy day

It’s a rainy day outside and my mind is at peace. I’m breathing;
full breast, like a kite in the air.
Waiting for the sun, I see that nothing is real,
‘cause the water washes old faces and dirty appearance away. It cleans up the soul.
And tomorrow
I walk my usual way and laugh
‘cause I know everything as it was, as it really is, and the faces put away on the shelf,
waiting for being worn;
and I pick up, out of all of them,
real souls, whom rain
will never change and never wash.
And I’m happy
it’s a rainy day outside and my mind is at peace. I’m breathing;
full breast, like a kite in the air.
Waiting for the sun, I see that nothing is real,
except for the world created
by each smile I gather
in the eve.


One day alive

One day alive as gift for well-spent true existence
If I were given, what would I exchange it for?
Another great achievement, made with no assistance,
Another chain come off, once won a bloody war?

No, I need nothing more to feel that life’s worth living
And nothing to fill up that one remaining day;
I found that life is given only if you’re giving
And just to those, who live the moment of today.

I need no proof for miracles that happen daily,
I need no names for deeds that are with courage done;
I want to know I live my life, and live it gaily,
Each day expecting the arousal of the sun.

With faith and love I make my way through stones and ashes,
Fulfilling every day a new established goal;
And I am sure I’ll stand when all around me crashes
Because my world won’t leave me empty, cold and sole.

One day alive when lifetime spent if I were given,
I would receive it with a smile and peaceful mind;
To know that every pain was melted and forgiven,
To say once more: “Be loving, wise, unchained and kind!”


Ode to imperfection

You’re so imperfect, that each little thing you do
Breaks any frame we use to measure beauty;
Your words, your smile, the greatest goals you’re heading to
To me are all that makes your highest duty.

You are so human, so alive, that heaven fades
And every step you make leaves guiding traces;
You are a lighthouse for the souls of renegades
And you remind the earth their million faces.

Let people say that love needs standards hard to keep,
Don’t trust their words, for their hearts are hollow;
I’ll only tell you truly that my love’s so deep,
That you’re the one I’ll always seek and follow.

And nothing will replace your warm, imperfect eyes,
That watch the world with such amazing kindness;
Each day I want to thank you, that perfection dies
When you remain to heal my innate blindness!


duminică, ianuarie 15, 2006


If I were a little cradle,
Swinging gently side from side,
I would paint your dreamings raddle
And I easily would paddle
To where all the dreams abide.

There, on shores of milk and honey,
I would raise on greenish tor
Golden towers, slim and sunny,
And a town in shape of bunny,
All for dreams you’re waiting for.

It would have some yards of glimmer,
All with gates of sugar glaze;
Folks would stop to see it shimmer,
And to taste the milky river,
Or to watch it in a daze.

There, inside the biggest tower,
You would reign this land of sweet
And would be at any hour
Of the day or night in power
To do what you’d like with it.

But that’s if I were your fairy,
But your dreams are made of sun!
So, dream on, be light and merry,
Don’t you cry and don’t be weary
And bring joy to everyone!


sâmbătă, ianuarie 14, 2006

Invocating dance

I dance above the flaming sand
Two steps to the right, two to the left
Would you catch me?
Between the sun and burning land
Two steps to the right, two to the left
You can’t fetch me
I am the soul of every sound
Two steps to the right, two to the left
You won’t see me
For I am air and freedom bound
Two steps to the right, two to the left
So, please, free me!



Mother Earth, feed us, fill us with your strength
The children have all gone away.
Oh, creator, allowing genocide,
Love us all the same
Love us all the same
Love us all…
Father Wind, hold us, don’t let us scatter around
For there are no children left.
Oh, patron, allowing hatred to spread,
Love us all the same
Love us all the same
Love us all…
Holy waters, clean us, wash the sins away,
The blood of the children.
Oh, purifiers, allowing burial for dark deeds,
Love us all the same
Love us all the same
Love us all…


Don’t blame love

Don’t blame love for being cruel – you whether kill or save with love,
so, choose:
to be creator of life,
or annihilator of feeling;
but don’t blame love for being you. Cruel. And possessive.
Ready to take or to give.
All at your choice.


vineri, ianuarie 13, 2006

Love life, play life, live life

Love life, play life, live life
Endlessly, looking it in the eyes,
Light and loveliness all over you
And your heart lively, as the limitless lands
Love life, play life, live life
Like seagulls flying over your head,
Listening to the melody of the shoreline and of the waves

Love life, play life, live life,
And make your living


You are

Y ou are everywhere –
O ver the mountain and
U nder the sea.

A re you reachable?
R esurrecting, you saved the world, by making
E nemies friends.



Formula of life;
From me to you and back to me and one unique self – transposal;
Who goes against his own self?
All together and all one – isn’t this the way to happiness?
The simple is always the hardest
To fulfil.


Look through me

If you want to see me, look through me and don’t be afraid,
I’m not what it seems.
If you’re scared of the blood running through my veins,
or of the white bones,
let me go and forget my name.
If you’re scared of imperfection, I’ll tell you this:
there exists no ugliness except for rotten hearts
and all the people
are trapped in cells of their own flesh –
some comfortable and some cold,
but still cages with no way out.

if you want to see me, look through me
and you’ll find
a whole new world
behind the bars…


joi, ianuarie 12, 2006

What’s worth?

What’s worth loving you,
if you don’t understand love,
if you throw it away along with those read yesterday magazines of yours,
so, what’s worth loving you?

What’s worth believing in you,
if you don’t see the meaning of believing
and keep walking on your own in the opposite direction to the one you’ve chosen,
so, what’s worth believing in you?

What’s worth loving you,
if you measure love in pounds while I do in feelings?
But if it’s not, then who will heal your wounds
when you discover the world is just like you said?...



Ding-a don, a-ding-a-don
All the hurricanes are gone,
So may rest your troubled mind,
Free from storms of any kind.

Ding-a-don, a-don-a-ding,
Let your heart in pleasure sing,
Let you find the way you seek
Let bloom roses on your cheek.

Ding-a-don, a-ding-a-don,
Let your life be endless dawn,
And let every single day
Worth continuing your way!


The beloved

I can hear everything: the wind, the cry and the whisper,
for the beloved is lying under seven hills,
in a wet ground.
I can hear what they’re speaking, every thought I follow,
for the beloved is lying under seven hills,
in a wet ground.
Do you see the dawn arising, red as betrayal?
for the beloved is lying under seven hills,
in a wet ground.
It’s the light of a new day, which will end the way all ended,
for the beloved is lying under seven hills,
in a wet ground.
Don’t you see, you need arousal,
for your beloved is lying under seven hills,
in a wet ground!
Turn the wind and fly back home, freely,
for the beloved is lying under seven hills,
in a wet ground.
Love again, love thoughtlessly
for the beloved is lying under seven hills,
in a wet ground.
And give heart to each day of living
by your beloved on those seven hills,
in a sacred ground.


The roundabout

Life is a roundabout, never stopping if you want to descend,
it catches you in when less expected;
Choose your horse – would it be black, or white,
or do you prefer dapple?
The man in a grey shirt would stand by and watch
how happy kids in coloured dresses
become respectable old men and women with snow-white hair-dressings and glimmering glasses,
whom little children would ask for candies and fairy-tales.
And they all move in the same direction, for those who dare not to are sentenced to death,
so they fall every night from their stags
and are buried in taboo ground.
They may think they have their world,
but, in fact, it’s just another sphere turning round a nucleus,
like the Earth and the Sun.
And their faces are marked
by a false tent of self-elevated wisdom.

Life is a roundabout.
Coming and going, people pay their price and the man in a grey shirt
keeps sitting on his chair, watching how hundreds and hundreds, seated on a wrong horse
imagine themselves


You, the one who’s always right

You, the one who’s always right,
explain to me the meaning of hatred
biting the soul from inside.
Why is the soul rotten, who is it rotten for,
if the world is so small and illusionary?
I’ve been always told about love,
but it’s been a waste image of nothing, unfelt,
and who’d make it a blazon, if misunderstood and renegade?

You, the one who’s always right,
you never see the future, but you know it
and run away from any danger – that’s how you’ve lived forever
and discovered the power of life.
But is that life?

You, the one who’s always right,
have you ever tasted the salt of a limitless sea
and said what the waves say,
disguised in a billion voices of the seagulls over the clouds,
have you found the truth?

I’ve learned that you’re the one who’s never wrong,
but not the one who’s always right,
because your truth is irrespective of time and place,
and I’m living in a world of here and today…


miercuri, ianuarie 11, 2006

The wind on an empty alley

Do you know whose voice is claiming to be
you, when you know that your soul is hollow?

It’s the wind on an empty alley…


On the run

You’re always on the run.
Regardless of the wind and thunder
You make each day become a wonder
And full of joy and sun.

You’re always where you’re meant.
And people learn they need each other
And brother stands for his own brother
And says you’re heaven sent.

You’re always where is need.
Who knows how long you’ll still be there?
But counting that… no-one would dare
You live in every deed.

You’re always on the run.
And if one day your steps don’t follow
And days fill up with pain and sorrow
Who’ll comfort everyone?...



And flying was the dream you kept inside,
forever hoping and believing blindly
in people.

Who was the one to show you the highest rock?...


I tell you

I tell you: “Your eyes are mirrors
In which I see my best self”
You tell me: “Look beyond”

I tell you: “Your silence is the price
I pay for oblivion”
You tell me: “Priceless is life only”

I tell you: “Your smile’s the light
I follow in the dark”
You tell me: “Open your heart”

I ask you: “When will you chase me away
For all my sins and sorrows?”
And you say: “I’m not good at throwing stones at the ones I love”…


Ten minutes past midnight

Don’t lie there in the cold, not even whispering
I can’t see you broken to pieces
You made of words gaudían castles
And I saw through your eyes what nobody has ever seen.
Don’t lie there, in the dark, you, the creator of glow
I can’t turn on the lights, for they might blind you
You spoke thunderian and rainean, and even dawnean,
While I spoke English and nothing more.
Don’t you see that now I’m stronger
Only because you gave up life, thoughtlessly and in vain
You are my shadow, and I’m yours
United forever in joy and sorrow, good or worse.
Don’t lie there, on your own, get up and walk
You’re not even seated in a wheel-chair
You lost your target, and now I’m losing you
Don’t let my target follow you after.
Don’t lie there in the cold, not even whispering
I can’t see you broken to pieces
If it’s so to be, let you be kaleidoscopic
I don’t mind discovering your new parts
Out of which you’ll rebuild your disassembled world.



A, that’s you who lifts me into the sky,
You, who helps me to fall,
Falling down by my side, on the wet ground

A, that’s you who shuts the door
To strangers bothering me when I sleep,
Giving me silence, even wishing to speak

A, that’s you who knows every stain on my heart,
Ready to wash it with sweat of hard labour
On my dirty self

A, that’s you who never asks and never wishes
Always ready to give, not to take
Where have you gone?

When I didn’t notice your shadow any more
I got angry with the world
That it had taken you away,
Not realizing that it was me, not the world
Who’s done the parting,
Not caring for the real you, the you I left behind…


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