Dreamers Zone

creativity, imagination, new experience, discovery and open doors - Poems and Poetry

marți, mai 16, 2006


This has all gone too far, so now I say “Forgive me!”.
For this look that wants to give, but only takes;
for these eyes that are too frank and thus impossible to trust.
We all killed time, not seeing how time killed us, spending silence for a drink, in childish dreams with winter gone
and prayed to dark angels on both sides of the road
leading to paradise.
What’s paradise? A myth or just a state of mind we never notice when we wash away our goals
along with worn-out make-up in the eve…
Why are we blind when everything has helped us see and share and love each day and everything around?

This all has gone too far. Am I the one to say “Forgive me!”
for sins that used
to save?...



You are a broken branch of a nameless arbour,
you float with the wind.
Every rock scratches you to blood,
when you fall in the rain.
You’re crippled, so you’re useless,
you’re not an old man’s stick,
nor a piece of furniture,
nor a wooden spoon…
Sometimes, dogs would run for you, but they lose you in the grass,
where you lie, forgotten,
until the wind
takes you away.

You are a broken branch of a nameless arbour.
Unable to take root,
but not yet



On a pillow of others’ good will you sleep.
Cloudless dream
at the edge of the world,
when expectations of thunder don’t bother you,
when you’re free.
With both my hands I reach you
and cover your thoughts with silence,
and you lie
as a flower of peace among fears,
when no-one falls asleep
any more…
